Thursday, January 20, 2011

Video: Democrat Tones Down Rhetoric by Comparing Republicans to Nazis

The meat in this clip is obviously Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) making the allegation that Republicans are behaving like Nazis after studying Josef Goebbels, by telling a lie over and over until it's believed. The lie, according to Cohen, is that Obamacare is a government takeover of health care. The relevance of the comparison takes on added significance in light of the Democrats' call for toning down the rhetoric after the Arizona shootings but the lies came from Cohen himself in this little diatribe, which only bolsters the case of his opponents.

For starters, he referred to the Tea Party as the 'tail that wags the dog.' The implication of that charge is that the American people are not in charge, the government is. The second thing he said was when he cited a source to make his case. Cohen literally said that PolitiFact is non-partisan, which is like saying water is not wet.

As for the charge that conservatives are behaving like Nazis... In 2007, Cohen became Tennessee's first Jewish Congressman and pledged on the 2006 campaign trail that he would also attempt to become the first white person in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). But alas, was ultimately told that whites need not apply. Considering that over 70% of the CBC's members are registered with the Socialist Caucus and discriminate based on race, perhaps Cohen is engaging in a bit of projection here. Who else was racist and socialist?

Gee, I wonder.

h/t Hot Air

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