Thursday, January 27, 2011

Video: Palin Says a lot of 'WTF Moments' in Obama Speech

If you're a conservative looking for a reason Sarah Palin should NOT run for president, this is it. She is absolutely most effective when she is able to speak her mind without being censored by hypersensitive handlers. What better example can there be than her telling America that there were a lot of 'WTF Moments' in Obama's State of the Union speech? Of course, the speech was billed as 'Winning The Future' but that is NOT what Palin meant when she referred to the acronym.

Unfortunately, unless someone like Jim DeMint jumps into the race, Palin may still be the best candidate currently in the proverbial pack. Gingrich, Romney, Huckabee, et. al. should be non-starters with the Tea Party. History says they're establishment elites who are trying to adopt Tea Party rhetoric with little to no willingness to implement Tea Party mandates. Unfortunately, the liberal media is going to do all it can to nominate one of them, like McCain in 2008.

Palin's 'WTF' moment comes very early in this clip but it's worth watching the whole thing; she hits the nail squarely on the head for the entire interview.

Via Fox News:

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