Friday, January 14, 2011

VIDEO: Tucson's Joe Medicine Crow Moment

After the 2009 Fort Hood shootings, the first public words out of Barack Obama's mouth included a 'shout out' to Joe Medicine Crow, an American Indian and heaped praise on the conference he was attending. He went on for more than two minutes before acknowledging the fallen at Fort Hood. At the Tucson memorial for the fallen in the Safeway massacre, the opening prayer was given by Native American Carlos Gonzales, whom I know nothing about but whose role in the memorial was grossly inappropriate.

Fast forward to the 4:55 mark to hear this guy talk about "Father Sky" and "Mother Earth." Then he proceeded to pray for all of the creatures of the earth, including the ones that "slither." On a side note, Obama quoted from the Book of Job. Perhaps he should have quoted Genesis 1:26:
26God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.
Now how about the faith of the six who were killed? As far as I can tell, not ONE of them shared this guy's faith. In fact, Federal Judge John Roll was a devout Catholic, Phyllis Schenck volunteered at her "church," and Dorwin Stoddard did construction work for his Church, the 'Church of Christ.' The other three people killed were nine year-old Christina Taylor Green, Gabe Zimmerman, and Dorothy Morris.

None of those sound like they're of American Indian descent.

h/t Freedom's Lighthouse

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