Saturday, January 8, 2011


What do you get when you ask a D.C. politician to comment on a very passionate movement he knows absolutely nothing about? The answer is twofold. Number 1, he says something that clearly demonstrates his ignorance and number 2, he says something that only emboldens the movement. When asked about the Tea Party, Harry says it will 'disappear' when the economy gets better. If he meant when government gets serious about downsizing itself in the form of debt and deficit reduction, he might have a point but we all know that's not what he meant at all.

He's banking on the printing presses spitting out enough money into the economy that the people shut up. Not gonna happen, Harry.


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Here's another one from Harry. This clip more tellingly expresses Harry's fear - that the Tea Party movement is going to force the Senate to vote on the Obamacare repeal legislation and Obama to veto it. He knows that there are far more Democrat Senators up for re-election in 2012 than Republicans and that they will put themselves in further danger of losing if they're forced to defend the health care albatross hanging around America's neck. Harry calls it a 'futile gesture,' again displaying two things. Number 1, that he really doesn't want the repeal movement to go forward. If he did, he wouldn't care. Number 2, as in the previous clip, he says something that will only embolden the Tea Party movement, which sees such a push as anything BUT futile.

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h/t Hapblog

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