Sunday, January 30, 2011

Videos: Did CNN Sabotage Michele Bachmann's SOTU Response?

If you watched Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) give her Tea Party rebuttal to Obama's State of the Union speech, you likely found yourself wondering why she was looking away from the camera. Actually, she was looking directly into another camera, set up by the Tea Party Express. The camera that provided the feed which showed Bachmann looking away was from CNN and if the claim over at Breitbart is correct, it just shows - again - that the left in general and the liberal media in particular, have absolutely no shame.

According to Breitbart, CNN originally agreed to use the Tea Party video feed to carry Bachmann's response but set up another camera during the actual State of the Union speech, which Bachmann was attending. Any inclination one may feel to give CNN the benefit of the doubt should be snuffed out by an extremely pathetic track record.

Here is the Tea Party Express feed:

Here is the CNN feed:

And of course, Saturday Night Live found the incident worthy of a skit. It'd be funny if you accept the false premise.

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