Saturday, February 12, 2011

George W. Bush 'Heartened' by Mubarak Stepping Down

George W. Bush's legacy seems to be becoming more enigmatic in the light of history. He supported the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the subsequent elections there that ushered Hamas into power. Later, Hamas would seize complete power through force. In the case of Iraq, we deposed a secular nationalist tyrant in Saddam Hussein and proceeded to write Sharia law into the new Iraqi Constitution. Ditto in Afghanistan. Now, after Mubarak has been deposed, Bush is apparently happy about the power vacuum likely to be filled by the Muslim Brotherhood at some point.

DALLAS -- George W. Bush’s spokesman said the former president reacted positively to news of the departure of Hosni Mubarak after three decades of rule in Egypt.

David Sherzer said in an e-mail to The Associated Press that Bush "is heartened by tonight’s events and congratulates the people of Egypt for taking an important and impressive first step toward freedom."
And of course, here is Bush standing with CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) at a Sunni mosque just days after September 11th.

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