Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ground Zero Mosque Imam #2 Now Out

Well, he certainly didn't last as long as did his predecessor, Feisal Abdul Rauf, but then again, Shaykh Abdallah Adhami's past words caught up with him much more quickly than did Rauf's. His views on homosexuality were apparently problematic as well. But, of course, neither of those facts are credited in the formal reason given for Adhami's exodus as the Ground Zero mosque Imam. So what was the reason? Well, apparently, Adhami is writing a book about the Qur'an and isn't that adept at multi-tasking.

Via Fox News:
NEW YORK-- A Muslim scholar recently named as the new senior imam at the Islamic center being built near the World Trade Center has parted ways with the project.

Shaykh Abdallah Adhami said Friday in a joint statement with the center's developer that he will no longer serve as a religious adviser to the center.

Adhami says he wants to devote his time to completing a book on the Quran.
Perhaps his book will get done sooner if he's not the Ground Zero mosque Imam but wouldn't he sell more of them if he was?

Not a very good business decision to step down from a position of notoriety and exposure to write a book.

It would appear that New Yorkers are winning the second battle at Cordoba.

Via Fox News

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