Thursday, February 24, 2011

Honolulu Passes Resolution Urging Limbaugh to Apologize

Just when you thought this was old news, the Honolulu City Council brings it back into the proverbial fold. Rush Limbaugh mocked Chinese president Hu Jintao during the Chinese president's visit to the United States last month. The story had legs for about ten days then died - or so we thought. Thanks to these hypersensitive, politically correct, and anti-American whack jobs, Limbaugh's hilarious interpretation of Hu Jintao is making news again.

Via the AP:
HONOLULU (AP) -- The Honolulu City Council has approved a resolution urging radio show host Rush Limbaugh to apologize for comments on China's president.

The Star Advertiser reports that the City Council voted 8-1 Wednesday asking the talk show host to apologize for what it termed "offensive and derogatory remarks" made about Chinese President Hu Jintao on his Jan. 19 radio program.

Limbaugh claimed there was no translation of the Chinese president's speech during a visit to the White House, then launched into an imitation of the Chinese leader's dialect.
Conspicuously absent from the Honolulu City Council is a resolution demanding an apology from either Obama or Hu Jintao for allowing an anti-American song to be played in the White House during the state dinner for the Chinese leader.

Here's Limbaugh's translation set to music..

h/t Weasel Zippers

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