Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Senator Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

Making the news lately is that Arizona Senator John Kyl (R) will not be running for re-election in 2012. Some have speculated that Gabrielle Giffords would be a shoe-in after she makes what could be a full and miraculous recovery. There is another scenario that could play out if Sheriff Joe Arpaio follows through on this trial balloon. America's favorite sheriff has indeed floated his name as a possible contender for Kyl's seat. Gotta love the idea of every prisoner in the state of Arizona wearing pink.

Via The Hill:
Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Monday he is open to the possibility of running for the seat of retiring Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) in 2012.

Arpaio, the conservative sheriff famous for his hard-line anti-immigration stances, made the remarks in light of a poll released today by Summit Consulting Group Inc., which is fundraising for Arpaio's reelection campaign for sheriff. The company's Chad Willems is Arpaio's campaign manager.

Arpaio said the deciding factor is neither the money, which he said he could raise, nor his ability to do the job. Rather, he said, it's whether he would be willing to leave his job as sheriff.

Arpaio has served as sheriff for five terms and is currently running for a sixth. But, he said, that doesn't mean he won't run for the Senate.

"The issue is whether I want to leave this office and go to Washington and try to make a difference there, which I would do if I run and win," Arpaio said.
Imagine McCain and Arpaio as Arizona's two Senators. Wouldn't you love to count the number of face palms Arpaio delivers every time McCain showcases his RINOism?

h/t Weasel Zippers

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