Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Top Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Hails Decorated General to fill Wine Glass

While at an exclusive dinner, Barack Obama's version of Karl Rove - Valerie Jarrett - stopped a high ranking and decorated military general as he was walking by the table and asked him to re-fill her glass of wine. Apparently, the only reason this incident was revealed was because it irritated someone enough who witnessed it to leak it to the media. As the president's closest adviser, Jarrett essentially represents Obama wherever she goes so the general had to comply - and did.

Via the Daily Caller:
During an exclusive dinner hosted Monday by the Alfalfa Club, Obama adviser Valerie Jarret had just such a moment. And were it not for an irritated tipster, Jarret might have walked away from the dinner unblemished.

According to our tipster, Jarrett was seated at the head table along with several other big-name politicians and a handful of high-ranking military officials. As an officer sporting several stars walked past Jarrett, she signaled for his attention and said, “I’d like another glass of wine.”


White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee, who was seated next to Jarret, began “cracking up nervously,” our tipster said, but no one pointed out to Jarrett that the man sporting a chestful of medals was not her waiter.
There were also more than enough waiters present for Jarrett to flag down without showing such disrespect for the military.

Remember, Jarrett's father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett and Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, were friends and colleagues in Chicago before Davis moved out to Hawaii in 1948.

Read it all.


  1. Why do you post that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s “mentor”? Because conservative firebrand Cliff Kincaid said so? "Dreams From My Father" belies that urban myth. It's a pity Americans are so easily hoodwinked by this right-wing disinformation, just like we were duped regarding the Iraqi threat. But even today, some Americans would rather believe fully discredited lies than admit they were duped. They don't have the courage to admit their mistakes. For everyone else: "Follow the evidence."

    Although Obama's book indicates "Frank" was a family friend who offered him advice on racial issues, Obama wrote that Davis "fell short" and his views were "incurable." Obama's book proves that Obama did not consider Davis to be a "wise and trusted counselor," which is the standard definition of "mentor." By what creative definition can Davis be considered his "mentor"?

    By exaggerating evidence that Davis advised Obama, yet ignoring evidence from the same source that Obama did NOT Frank to be a wise and trusted advisor, those who spread the urban myth Davis was Obama's "mentor" are as dishonest as ex-D.A. Mike Nifong. The "Nifong Syndrome" is the stacking of evidence by ignoring evidence that does not fit one's agenda. By portraying Davis as Obama's mentor, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, fraudulent "opposition research" by Cliff Kincaid and others permeates the blogosphere. Their travesty of journalistic ethics, like their "AIM Reports," demonstrates that they are unreliable sources of information on the Davis-Obama relationship. As the epitome of contemporary propaganda, Cliff Kincaid may be a worthy successor to Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels.

    "Truth is generally the best vindication against slander."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  2. "represents Obama wherever she goes so the general had to comply" Seriously, you believe this? If anything he was being polite. He didn't HAVE to do anything.
