Sunday, February 27, 2011

Video: Assault and Battery by Who Else? Union Thug.

This protest took place in Sacramento and the union thug who was arrested is Richard Andazola, who was using a bullhorn to shout at Tea Party activists, calling them 'Fascists.' When confronted with a uncomfortable fact courtesy of a bullhorn from the Tea Party, Andazola decided to get a little up close and personal with the Tea Party after the voice behind the bullhorn directed at him shouted, 'We pay your salary!'

Via Big Government, here is Andazola demonstrating his inability to understand where money comes from.

Here is video of the actual assault of Tea Party activist Rodney Stanhope courtesy of Andazola, who was later cited for battery. At the end of this clip - after Andazola has been busted - you can hear another tea partier with a bullhorn shouting, 'We pay you!'

**UPDATE** Here's new video of the thug. Notice how sheepish he is with the news camera after the incident compared to his aggressive nature during the altercation.

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