Friday, February 4, 2011

Video Disgrace: ABC News Plays to Stereotypes, calls it News

This is a new low, even for ABC. In a report filed by John Quinones, he disguises himself as a potential illegal alien inside a Tucson restaurant while a white male actor, dressed as a security guard who is outwardly racist to begin picking people out as potentially illegal. Quotes from the mean and nasty white guy include: 'They look Mexican' and 'if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.' It is a shameless attempt by ABC News (term used lightly) to play to stereotypes. One lady patron attempts to help the defenseless targets of the white guy's racism before the jig is up.

After, Quinones reveals his identity, he makes a hero out of the woman for helping her fellow man. The only thing missing was Quinones handing her an everlasting gobstopper.


h/t Fox Nation

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