Saturday, February 5, 2011

Video: Leftists Show Face of Evil

Remember the premise of the left; the Tea Party, conservatives, and anyone on the right is racist and intolerant. Keep that in mind as you watch this video from a recent leftwing protest in California billed as the anti-Koch Brothers rally to counter the Koch Brother strategy session inside. The camera man here does an excellent job of getting the protesters to reveal their true sentiment. At one point, a man is asked what should be done with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after he is impeached. His response?

'Send him back to the fields.' As for Justice Sam Alito, well he should be sent 'back to Sicily.' Then he referred to Roger Ailes as a 'bastard' that should be 'kill(ed).' Another woman recommends that Justice Thomas should be forced to eat all of his toes after they're cut off 'one by one.' She apparently views that as justice for Anita Hill. At the end, one protester says in response to what should be done to Justice Thomas: 'Hang him.'

If you're compelled to see the face of evil reveal itself in a mass of people, watch the video below.


h/t The Blaze

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