Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Video: Robert Spencer Smacks Down Islamist on Hannity

What do you get when you pair up a radical Islamist and an expert on the Qur'an who happens to be a Christian? The answer is a smack down of the Islamist with the truth. Check out this exchange between Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch and Michael Ghouse of the America Together Foundation. Watch the whole thing if you can. Fast forward to the 4:00 mark if you can't. The debate starts out with the two guests debating the merits of the Egyptian uprising.

Ghouse maintains it's a good thing; Spencer and Hannity cite a 2010 Pew Research poll that shows the overwhelming majority of Egyptians want Sharia law incorporated into any new government. At that point, Ghouse shifts gears entirely and attacks Spencer for spreading lies and hate. Spencer then lands a haymaker by citing the Qur'an. In particular, he references Chapter 3, verse 28 which commands Muslims to smile in the faces of unbelievers and curse them behind their backs.

Sit back and watch.

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