Saturday, February 19, 2011

Video Shocker: Bill Maher Slams Muslim Men for Treatment of Women

Some things simply amaze and this segment on Bill Maher's Real Time is one of those things. Bill Maher has successfully branded himself as an unhinged, blasphemous, and vile liberal. That's what makes this exchange with his panel - Tavis Smiley in particular - so unexpected. Maher's point here is that the Muslim / Arab men mistreat their women so much more than do their western counterparts. Smiley's point is that women are mistreated in both places and as a result, the Muslim world shouldn't take an unnecessary hit. It's almost like reverse moral relativism.

The possible explanation for Maher's seemingly conservative position in this case is that his contempt for religion is universal while liberals typically only have contempt for Judaism and Christianity.

The highlight comes at the 5:35 mark when a member of the far left audience gets in on the act and shouts incoherently at Maher about drone attacks being on par with mistreatment of women. Maher rightfully points out it's an apples and oranges argument.

Maher said at least one thing that was absolutely false, however and it comes at the end: "When you tolerate intolerance, you're not really being a liberal." It silenced Smiley though.

**UPDATE: YouTube version has been pulled. Click HERE to view.**

h/t Weasel Zippers

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