Sunday, February 27, 2011

Video: Wisconsin Capitol Police Taking Sides and Taking it Personal

This is a very telling video on a couple of fronts. First, central issue involves a War Memorial inside the Capitol. Leftists who have decided to camp out inside the Capitol have decided to use the Memorial as a storage area for their belongings, sleeping bags, etc. The person with the camera has requested police to show up. When they do, the lead officer asks what's going on; when the woman with the camera asks for assistance in clearing away the belongings from the Memorial, he appears confused as to what to do - possibly because many of his fellow officers (possibly him) have taken the side of the protesters.

Note that as soon as the officer realizes he has a bit of a problem with defending the desecration of a War Memorial, he demands not to be recorded. When the woman seeks out other officers, it's the same thing.

I hate to say it but Gov. Walker needs to go Ronald Reagan on these derelict cops and start firing or he's going to have to bring in the Wisconsin National Guard soon.

Via Gateway Pundit

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