Sunday, March 27, 2011

ACORN Going International; Offices in Egypt and Elsewhere

ACORN may have suffered a mortal blow in the United States when James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles exposed them with undercover videos in 2009 but it is now popping up in other parts of the world. Wade Rathke, former SDS member and founder of ACORN, sent a message to his supporters boasting about the early success of ACORN's international operations, which he is leading. The corrupt community organizing group has offices in Czechoslovakia, North Korea, and Egypt among others.

Via Nola:
In his message, Rathke noted that ACORN International just added a new affiliate in South Korea, known as Asian Bridge, and that activists in Prague had begun an organization called ACORN Comrades Club, with which he is communicating via Skype from his home in New Orleans.

"And, perhaps even more thrilling, I have now heard from a number of activists involved in organizing in Cairo in the last several weeks. They are talking about developing a 'Peoples' Plan' for development in a number of the poorer areas in the wake of the democracy debate and want to connect with our efforts in doing a similar plan after Katrina in New Orleans," Rathke wrote.
Comrades, huh? Considering the Muslim Brotherhood only used the secularists who spearheaded the uprising in Egypt until they were no longer useful, it will be interesting to see what ACORN's timetable is.

h/t Free Republic

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