Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another ATF Agent Speaks out on Project Gunrunner

Earlier this month, ATF agent John Dodson dropped a bombshell when he admitted to CBS's Sharyl Attkisson that he was instructed by his superiors to allow guns purchased in the United States to 'walk' into Mexico. Now, another ATF agent is speaking out. His name is Rene Jacquez and he too is angry that this was ATF policy. Jacquez even has family in Mexico. What's so shocking about these reports is how shocked agents Dodson and Jacquez were that they were instructed to do this.

When the report from Attkisson about Dodson came out, the policy was said to go all the way to the Justice Department. Based on this new report, DHS, ICE, DEA, and USMS (Marshals) were all being advised by a Justice Department Assistant U.S. Attorney.

Via CBS News:
(CBS News) WASHINGTON - South of El Paso, Texas, on Mexico's side of the border, lies Juarez - the most dangerous city in the world. CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports ATF Special Agent Rene Jaquez has been stationed there for the past year, trying to keep U.S. guns from being trafficked into Mexico.

"That's what we do as an agency," Jaquez said. "ATF's primary mission is to make sure that we curtail gun trafficking."

That's why Jaquez tells CBS News he was so alarmed to hear his own agency may have done the opposite: encouraged U.S. gun dealers to sell to suspected traffickers for Mexico's drug cartels. Apparently, ATF hoped that letting weapons "walk" onto the street - to see where they'd end up - would help them take down a cartel.
Notice in the video below that Eric Holder assured Americans that he has an Inspector General investigating this program. We all know what happened when this administration didn't like what a certain IG was uncovering back in 2009 (Gerald Walpin). He got fired.

Read about the first agent to come forward - John Dodson - HERE.

h/t Free Republic

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