Friday, March 18, 2011

Audio: Joe Biden Pours Gasoline on Union Fires

One thing is clear after listening to Joe Biden on this conference call with Union leaders; Wisconsin was a huge defeat for unions. This is nothing short of a 'circle the wagons' speech from the Vice President. It's also an admission from the administration in the form of the second in command - Joe Biden - that Democrats are more than just a little beholden to Unions. The call was hosted by the AFL-CIO, which is headed by Richard Trumka. I found the part about a strong middle class being impossible without unions to be the biggest laugher here.

However, on a much more serious note, it is the leftists, socialists, and union thugs who have been unhinged during all of this and instead of Biden reprimanding or admonishing their behavior, this call only serves to exacerbate their feelings of victimization that aren't the least bit justified. This really is shocking audio because Joe Biden is encouraging unions to become even angrier in the wake of defeat in Wisconsin.

Desperation like this from the Vice President of the United States only serves to underscore how beholden Democrats are to the Unions; if these Unions go down, they're taking the Democrats with them and that realization is not lost on Joe Biden. Wisconsin may have been a much bigger blow to the left than we thought.

Via The Blaze:

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