Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chechen Islamist Leader Calling for War with Russia

In World War II, the United States allied with the country it would be at war with for decades as soon as the war was over. An alliance with the Soviet Union was one of necessity in order to defeat the Nazis. As the Islamic world unites, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a similar alliance might take place again.

Russia is seeing a rise of the Chechen Muslim threat and Doku Umarov is declaring Jihad on Russia.

Via the AFP:
The Chechen Islamist rebel leader who is Russia's most wanted man has issued an appeal for recruits for a "total war" against the Russian state, in a new video message posted on Thursday.

"A total war is in progress, fight the enemy where ever you can," Doku Umarov said standing alongside two other militants in a snow-covered forest in a video posted on militant website
Russia is not the only country with an Islamist problem. China has to deal with the Uygurs.

As the Muslim Brotherhood consolidates power and the Islamic world becomes stronger and more emboldened, might we see an alliance between U.S., Russia, and China one day?

h/t Weasel Zippers

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