Friday, March 25, 2011

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano insists Mexican Border is Safer than Ever

Janet 'Baghdad Bob' Napolitano is insisting that the United States border with Mexico is safer than 'it has ever been' and that there is no significant violence spilling into the United States. In light of the fact that her Department has been implicated in the Project Gunrunner scandal in which the ATF 'allowed guns to walk' into Mexico, does she really think anyone will believe her? Since two of the guns the ATF let 'walk' showed up at the murder scene of a Border Agent, shouldn't Napolitano be more focused on getting to the bottom of that situation?

Via the AP:
EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said Thursday that security on the southern U.S. border "is better now than it ever has been" and that violence from neighboring Mexico hasn't spilled over in a serious way.


Napolitano said the Department of Homeland Security will deploy 250 more border agents and expects to have 300 more under their next budget if it's approved. She stated that Homeland Security is investing "millions of dollars in the side of commerce and trade" to improve infrastructure and technology along the border.

However, she added that there is a need to correct wrong impressions about the border region. Napolitano said border towns are safe for travel, trade and commerce. She noted that the total value of imports crossing the Southwest border was up 22 percent in fiscal year 2010, she said.

"There is a perception that the border is worse now than it ever has been. That is wrong. The border is better now than it ever has been," she said.
In this case, it depends upon what your meaning of the word 'is' is, I guess. In light of the high powered weapons that have been allowed to 'walk' into Mexico (50 caliber and AK-47), the whole 'commerce and trade' comment rings hollow at best and macabre at worst. Estimates of the number of guns ATF has let walk climb as high as 'thousands.'

Watch this short news report to see how DHS appears to be involved.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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