Sunday, March 27, 2011

Former KKK Grand Dragon Running for Mayor.... As a Democrat

As much as the right is demonized for being racist, the plank in the Democrat Party's platform about diversity seems to include former Grand Dragons of the KKK, at least in Lake Wales, FL. A man named John Paul Rogers is not only running for mayor as a Democrat there but he has already been a Grand Dragon with the KKK. Not only has he not renounced his past but he's blaming his opponent for making it an issue.

Via WTSP News:
He blames his opponent Mike Carter for bringing up his former involvement in the United Klans of America.

"My opponent's been going around saying I hung somebody in the park two years ago. Well, we have a city ordinance against that and I'm sure the police would have put me in jail if I would have done that."

He adds, "It's a shame that in a small city like Lake Wales where most everyone knows one another you have this kind of muckraking and character assassination."

In this small town of a little more than 13,000 people, times have changed since the Jim Crow laws of segregation and Rogers isn't apologizing or renouncing his time with the Klan.
After all, the KKK was founded as the armed wing of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party freed slaves. Why wouldn't John Paul 'the racist' Rogers be a Democrat.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the floor is yours..

h/t Gateway Pundit

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