Monday, March 7, 2011

Latest Union Thug Tactic: Invoke Jesus

This is beyond pathetic and it's vintage Saul Alinsky. The latest tactic by the union thugs in Wisconsin is to invoke the phrase, 'What Would Jesus Cut?' Aside from the fact that these people reject and demean Christianity all day long, this is nothing more than one of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals. The problem is that if conservatives don't know how to respond to the tactic, it might work. Isn't it funny how the left wants religion out of politics until they can use it to their advantage?

First up, Rule #4 from Uncle Saul:
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
The far left liberal Christian (oxymoron) group known as Sojourners has placed a full page ad in POLITICO (pictured). The president of Sojourners is none other than Spiritual advisor to Barack Obama, Jim Wallis - a Marxist (social justice). Jeff Jacoby writes at the Boston Globe:
The ad, signed by Sojourners’ president, Jim Wallis, and other leaders of the Christian left, argues that “a budget is a moral document’’ and the moral test of any nation is how it treats the poor and vulnerable. It acknowledges that government debt is a serious problem, but implores lawmakers not to balance the budget by cutting the “sound investments that a just nation must protect.’’ Among the “investments’’ Sojourners mentions are school lunch programs, tax credits for the working poor, and international aid for fighting pandemics.
Jacoby then goes on to quote the part of Matthew 25 where it says to care for the naked, the sick, the hungry, etc. and rightfully points out that government is not responsible for those things - individuals are:
A more fundamental problem with the “What Would Jesus Cut?’’ campaign is its planted axiom that Jesus would want Congress to do anything at all. Yes, we are emphatically commanded by Scripture to help the poor, to comfort the afflicted, and to love the stranger. But those obligations are personal, not political. It requires a considerable leap of both faith and logic to read the Bible as mandating elaborate government assistance programs, to be funded by a vast apparatus of compulsory taxation. I admit that I am no New Testament scholar, but I cannot recall Jesus ever saying that the way to enter Heaven is to dole out money extracted from your neighbors’ pockets.
Not mentioned in Jacoby's piece is another part of Matthew 25. In particular, the Parable of the Talents, which is Matthew 25: 14-30. I'd love to see the likes of Jim Wallis fit that parable into is social justice world view.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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