Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mexican Officials Demanding Answers from US over Project Gunrunner / Operation Fast and Furious

The story revealed by ATF Whistleblower, Agent John Dodson should be getting far more attention than it has. If his claims are true, it is a scandal that should dwarf the New Black Panther Party voting rights kirfuffle for the Department of Justice. According to Dodson, the ATF allowed guns to 'walk' into Mexico in an effort to catch drug cartel kingpins. Though none of those cartel leaders have been caught, thousands of very powerful weapons are now illegally in Mexico.

Mexican officials, in addition to U.S. Senator Charles Grassley are taking great notice.

Via WND:
A report from Associated Press also confirmed yesterday that Mexican officials are infuriated "that U.S. agents allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico as part of investigations into drug traffickers." Officials there want investigators to get answers.

The AP reported the Mexican Senate plans to call U. S. Ambassador to Mexico Arturo Sarukhan to testify and the lawmakers want Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinoza to demand answers from the U. S. government.
An attorney representing one of the gun stores that ostensibly worked with the ATF in allowing the purchases, is claiming that the federal agency attempted to throw Carter's Country under the proverbial bus.
"After they had cooperated for several years and after several criminal cases were filed against some of the purchasers, then the ATF or the U. S. attorney's office told us that Carter's Country and their personnel were under investigation for making the sales," DeGuerin stated.

"The ATF wasn't telling the prosecuting authority that they had approved of the sales and encouraged them to go forward. They were flatly lying to the prosecutors and we had to stand up and fight and confront them in order to convince the prosecutors that we were correct about this and did only what the ATF had asked us to do," DeGuerin said.

"The ATF denied their part of the investigation," DeGuerin asserted. "We tried to convince them that Carter's Country and their sales people did what the ATF asked them to do."
Here is the video news report from CBS in which agent Dodson lays it all out.

More on scandal HERE.

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