Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Civility on Display in Wisconsin Legislature

In the days after the Tucson shootings, the leftwing media did all it could to push the narrative that Sarah Palin, talk radio and right wing rhetoric is what caused it. Barack Obama fueled that narrative at the Memorial service in which he called for more 'civility' in our political discourse. As a creature of the left, this was clearly directed at the right, despite his attempts to massage the message so that it included everyone.

How else should we interpret the media silence as well as the apparent silence of the administration when a male Democrat State Rep. in Wisconsin turned to a female Republican State Rep. after the assembly voted to support Gov. Walker's budget bill and threatened her life?

Last Friday.... after the Assembly voted to engross the Budget Repair Bill, Hintz turned to a female colleague, Rep. Michelle Litjens and said: "You are F***king dead!"
Hintz is now apologizing. Via the Northwestern:
An Oshkosh Assemblyman issued a second public apology in as many weeks Monday, the latest for comments he made on the floor of the Assembly following a vote on a contentious budget repair bill.

Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, called Rep. Michelle Litjens, R-Winneconne, Monday morning to apologize for his comments that Litjens described as containing an obscenity and the words “you’re dead.” Last week, he accepted responsibility for being issued an ordinance violation for visiting a massage parlor in Appleton that was the subject of a prostitution sting.
It has been less than two months since female politician Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. Here we have a State Rep. telling another female politician she's 'F*****G dead.'

Not so long ago, a man was arrested for saying the same thing minus the vulgarity to a Tea Party organizer. Remember this?
When Tucson Tea Party founder Trent Humphries rose to suggest that any conversation about gun control should be put off until after the funerals for all the victims, witnesses say Fuller became agitated. Two told KGUN9 News that finally, Fuller took a picture of Humphries, and said, "You're dead."
Again, the person issuing the threat was from the left.

In the mood for some civility talk from your president? We actually have to go back in time to find it but here ya go...

First up, fast forward to the 0:25 mark to watch him talk of civility:

And of course, this is the part where he tells us all to talk in a way that 'heals, not in a way that wounds.'

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