Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rick Santorum: Shariah Law is 'Evil'

Though it's difficult to determine to what extent this is nothing other than red meat rather than an indication of how he might govern, Rick Santorum deserves credit; short of Rep. Allen West, I'm not sure any of the prominent faces in D.C. have gone this far. These words might just help Santorum leapfrog several others in the pack for 2012.

DURHAM, N.H. — Rick Santorum on Friday asserted that Sharia law has no place in America.

“Jihadism is evil and we need to say what it is,” he said at the Strafford County Lincoln-Reagan dinner, remarks that show how the former Pennsylvania senator continues to establish himself as the candidate most-aligned with the Republican Party’s conservative base.

“We need to define it and say what it is. And it is evil. Sharia law is incompatible with American jurisprudence and our Constitution.”
The good news is if this type of campaign rhetoric continues to resonate with the American public, all Republican candidates will have to start talking like this. Then the issue can be actually debated, which is the last thing Islamists want.

Santorum was one of the Republican casualties in 2006 as U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania so it remains to be seen if deeds will match words but this is great to see from a one of the 2012 nominees.

At its essence, Shariah Law is supposed to be the law of the land in whatever land it's the law. Until the West understands that the issue of Islam is not First Amendment but Article VI, we won't be able to confront it. Talk like this from Santorum is a good step.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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