Thursday, March 10, 2011

U.S. Rep Who Was Shot at Jonestown Calls Peter King Hearings 'Racist'

Her name is U.S. Rep Jackie Speier (D-CA) and she was on the ground in Jonestown on November 18, 1978 when the Congressman she was working for at the time - Leo Ryan - was shot and killed. Speier herself was shot five times by members of Cult leader Jim Jones's 'Red Brigade.' If ever there was a human being who should have seen the dangers inherent in the Democrat Party, it's Jackie Speier. Jim Jones was a Marxist who revered Socialism. So does the Democrat Party.

Oh, Jones also allied with Muslims in San Francisco. Here is an excerpt from a book called, 'Six Years With God,' written by Jeannie Mills, who escaped Jone's cult:
Just a few doors down the street from the San Francisco temple the Black Muslims had their temple. Jim made strong overtures of friendship to this strong group, even sending large contingencies of our membership to attend their services, to which they responded by sending their members to our services.
Despite all this history, Speier not only remains a Democrat but she is calling Peter King's Muslim radicalization hearings 'Racist.'

Via The San Francisco Chronicle:
San Mateo's own Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier is a member of that committee and told us Wednesday that she is planning to "call out" King Thursday:

"This is one member's bias that he is now putting forth as the policy of this country and there are going to be many of us who will shout out and call him out on abusing his role as chair and abusing the Congress of the United States for whatever his personal bias is," Speier told us.

"To pinpoint Muslims as if they're the only category --- it's wrong, it's discriminatory, it's racist and inappropriate. Hearings aren't supposed to be judged before they're held. They're supposed to be illuminating," she said.
It is astonishingly frightening that Jackie Speier did not learn the most important lesson of her horrible experience. The party she belongs to follows many of the same principles her would-be assassins did.

See for yourselves **CONTENT WARNING**

h/t Weasel Zippers

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