Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Video: Darrell Issa Demanding Answers from Hillary on Project Gunrunner

This is turning into one of the biggest scandals barely reported. So far, two ATF agents and the Agency's lead man in Mexico have all come forward with claims that the Operation known as Fast and Furious, which allowed guns to 'walk' into Mexico was approved all the way to the highest levels of ATF and the Department of Justice. Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is already demanding answers from ATF Director Kenneth Melson. He has now also fired off a letter to Secretary of State Clinton to explain the contents of a meeting between an Asst Attorney General and U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.

HERE is a copy of the letter to Hillary Clinton.

Issa's interview with Sharyl Attkisson of CBS:

Watch the interview with ATF lead official in Mexico, Darren Gil HERE.

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