Sunday, March 20, 2011

Video: Farrakhan Rails on Obama over Libya Policy

While appearing as an in-studio guest on WVON radio in Chicago, Louis Farrakhan went on a ten minute rant against Obama over the president's policy with Libya. Farrakhan is visibly angry that Obama is deciding to take military action to have Gaddafi removed from power. He also blames the CIA for fomenting dissent in foreign nations like Iran so America can go in and better oust dictatorial leaders. He references the uprising in Iran as if to say we were responsible for them.

The Libya problem is one of Obama's more complicated ones, especially in light of his relationship with Jeremiah Wright and Farrakhan. Farrakhan has a very strong personal relationship with Gaddafi.

Via WND:
Farrakhan, a close friend and associate of Wright, has been financed by Gadhafi, including with a $5 million interest-free loan in 1985.

Later that year, Gadhafi spoke by satellite to Farrakhan's Saviour's Day Convention in Chicago, and reportedly told Farrakhan supporters he was prepared to provide weapons to a black army in the U.S. to destroy "white America."

In October 1995, Gadhafi reportedly called Farrakhan with congratulations on the success of the Million Man March. Gadhafi was said to have assured Farrakhan that together "we will unite our capabilities and efforts to achieve this."
Farrakhan obviously feels that Obama is harming whatever cause exists between the Nation of Islam and Gaddafi. One thing we've learned about Obama is he's more interested in picking winners and losers than he is in loyalty. The uprising in Libya is being fed by the Muslim Brotherhood and in the bigger scheme of things, they are much more powerful than one country at this point.

Farrakhan gets quite fiery here. Wait for the part where he says to Obama, 'Who the Hell do you think you are?'

h/t Freedom's Lighthouse

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