Saturday, March 5, 2011

Video: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Admits Obamacare a Fraud

Perhaps this is why politicians don't give one word answers very often. In this case, Kathleen Sebelius was questioned by Representative John Shimkus (R-IL) during a House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing about the funding of Obamacare and the charges of double counting, which the opponents of Obamacare have been screaming about for nearly two years now. On one hand, the administration has touted savings of $500 Billion in cuts to Medicare but it's also using that $500 Billion to fund Obamacare, making the law far more costly than they've been saying.

Watch as Shimkus presses Sebelius on what amounts to an issue of 'cooking the books.' Her one word answer is an admission that the administration has done just that.


Via Fox Nation

Again, Joe Wilson's two words in 2009 continue to age very, very well.

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