Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Video: Joe Biden Calls for Impeaching the President

The Vice President makes a very impassioned case for impeachment here. When the president has no constitutional authority to take the United States into war and he does so anyway, Joe Biden said, it is grounds for impeachment that he would push for. Here, Biden appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews and was asked if he would call for impeaching the president if the latter attacked a country without congressional approval. Biden answered resoundingly in the affirmative.

This interview took place before Obama ordered attacks on Libya - way before. The exchange took place back when Biden was a Senator in 2007; he was talking about what he would do if George W. Bush attacked Iran without congressional approval. Bush never did attack Iran but Obama attacked Libya.

Fast forward to the :50 mark.

h/t Hapblog

1 comment:

  1. I had to stop watching at the 1:15 mark as the tingle in my leg caused me to chase my couch down and dry hump it. Ahhhh. Better.
