Thursday, March 10, 2011

Video: Live Stream Inside Wisconsin Capitol

As the fleebaggers continued to stall, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the Republican Senators were able to strip the portions of the Bill that require twenty Senators to be present for the creation of a quorum. This has the Unionites up in arms and the anger inside the Capitol continues to build. Meanwhile, SEIU is urging members to descend on the Capitol on Thursday. Remember, Barack Obama long ago pledged his allegiance to SEIU.

Watch the Live Stream inside the Capitol.

Watch live streaming video from theuptake at

Via the SEIU Wisconsin website:
Statewide Solidarity Events

EMERGENCY: On Wednesday night the State Senate passed a version of the budget bill that did not require a quorum. The bill, which will strip public employees of their collective bargaining rights, will be voted on by the State Assembly at 11am on Thursday.

We need you in Madison NOW. Protest the bill and show our Representatives that this attack on working families will NOT be tolerated.

Thursday 9am - Rally at the Capitol
If you have any doubt that Barack Obama supports the effort, watch this:

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