Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Video: NPR Busted for Liberal Bias One Day after Schiller Denied Liberal Bias

I had barely posted a video of NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller challenging an audience at the National Press Club to prove liberal bias at NPR. She even said she wished people could be present at their meetings to see how much effort went in to being objective.

Now, courtesy of another James O'Keefe undercover video project, Schiller's wish is granted. Something tells me she won't be apologizing to the likes of O'Keefe anytime soon, though. Another Schiller (Ron), who is an NPR Executive is caught on the video being far more than biased. He is willingly taking money from groups who would do America harm.

Via the Daily Caller:
On the tapes, Schiller wastes little time before attacking conservatives. The Republican Party, Schiller says, has been “hijacked by this group.” The man posing as Malik finishes the sentence by adding, “the radical, racist, Islamaphobic, Tea Party people.” Schiller agrees and intensifies the criticism, saying that the Tea Party people aren’t “just Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic, I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

Schiller goes on to describe liberals as more intelligent and informed than conservatives. “In my personal opinion, liberals today might be more educated, fair and balanced than conservatives,” he said.
This isn't just bias. It's feeding the propaganda campaign of America's enemies. There's a word for that.

HERE is Vivian Schiller before the undercover video.

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