Saturday, March 5, 2011

Video: Rep. Lt. Col. Allen West Hits Another Home Run

The star of Lt. Col. Allen West is rising very quickly, more so after being sworn in - yes, that's a slap at Scott Brown - and he continues to endear himself to the Tea Party. Republicans scoff at the notion that West might be electable in 2012 as president; they're probably right but it's based on a false premise that he doesn't have the experience required. Then again, how many presidential candidates have battlefield experience?

West has been in the military for decades and in these times, the next president of the United States needs to have that kind of experience, frankly.

The next best thing would be West's selection as a running mate. Newt Gingrich has already hinted at the possibility. Such a selection would most assuredly do for the Republican presidential campaign in 2012 what Sarah Palin did for McCain in 2008.

Here's another in a long line of examples proving that Allen West 'gets it.'

Via The Blaze

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