Saturday, March 12, 2011

Video Shocker: Bill Maher Confronts Keith Ellison over Qur'an

Earlier this week, the first Muslim elected to U.S. Congress - Keith Ellison - while at Peter King's radical Islam hearing, invoking the name of a Muslim who died on 9/11 and then proceeded to bawl in a case of misplaced and transparent melodramatic theatrics. It was embarrassing.

Then he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. Don't let the initial softball question discourage you. Stick with it because Maher - as an atheist - appears to be getting a bit fed up with the Qur'an and it appeared to catch Ellison off guard.

Here is Ellison crying like a little girl. Ya think Ellison cried like this after the Fort Hood shootings?

Since then, it's been learned that the Muslim Ellison was crying theatrical crocodile tears over was never a victim of anti-Muslim bigotry; he was even given virtual 'hero' status in, of all things, the Patriot Act.

National Review has more.

h/t to Jawa Report

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