Thursday, March 31, 2011

Video: Van Jones Cheered 9/11/01 Attacks on 9/12/01

This video is from a rally in Oakland one day after the 9/11 attacks. You can fast forward to the 4:38 mark to see Van Jones but it's context is more clearly seen after you view the other speakers leading up to him. The theme of the rally is clearly that the United States deserved what happened; the attacks were the result of our foreign policies all over the world and that America's civilians paid the price for those policies. Clearly, that premise eliminates the possibility that we are hated because we are infidels.

Remember, Van Jones was in the Obama administration and resigned; he was not fired. Not only that but he still serves as a fellow with the Center for American Progress, which continues to have a significant amount of influence on the administration. Valerie Jarrett even championed Jones's work in Oakland generally as one of the reasons he was sought out for the Green Jobs czar position.

It's not a stretch to conclude that Obama shares much of the sentiment expressed at this 9/12/01 rally, the war in Libya notwithstanding, of course.

Via Big Government

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