Monday, March 7, 2011

Videos: Public Sector Union Corruption / Illogic on Display

Here are two videos that perfectly illustrate both the corruption of public sector unions and Democrats as well as the illogic from a union protester in Wisconsin this weekend. First up is a video from 2009 that features an SEIU representative with the United Healthcare Workers at a budget hearing. Remember, this woman is paid with taxpayer dollars (Republicans and Democrats) and she admits in this very short clip that her union helped to elect Democrats who will lose reelection if they don't do the bidding of the unions.

Via Big Government:

This clip is from the Wisconsin protests. The key quote comes within the first 30 seconds as a Union supporter literally asks his opponent, 'Why do you have a right to your money?' Note the guy's response. He's literally speechless and basically resigns himself to the fact that the moron who asked that question is beyond help. I think he took a swig of water so he didn't pass out.

Via Weasel Zippers

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