Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Videos: Wisconsin Protests are Moving to Ohio

These videos come from Ohio Governor John Kasich's State of the State address and the protesters are mirror images of what we've seen in Wisconsin over the last several weeks. The problem is an $8 Billion state budget deficit. This is a problem that public sector union workers simply don't comprehend or don't care about. There is also an interesting narrative that seems to be consistent with all public sector union protesters across the country: Governors who want to balance their budgets are doing so not because they want to balance the budgets but because they are beholden to the Koch brothers.

It's a flat out lie. They're beholden to the taxpayers who pay the salaries of these unions. Sadly, this is the kind of cause Barack Obama has been fighting for ever since his Community Organizing days. Go figure, it's now a national movement.

In this first video, the best part comes at the 1:30 mark, when a woman teacher breaks down with tears of ignorance as she refers to a part of Kashich's speech where he talked about mutual respect. Keep in mind this video is a leftwing propaganda piece assembled by Think Progress so it's designed to appeal to people who sympathize with that teacher. Also take note that one of the protesters is carrying an infant - not smart.

Video number 2. Notice how the union thugs chant profanities in unison quite well.

h/t Gateway Pundit

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