Thursday, March 17, 2011

Will Marco Rubio Run in 2012?

Make no mistake; there is a loud sucking sound coming from the place where the favorite and most viable conservative Republican nominee for president in 2012 should be. Mitt Romney? Please. Newt Gingrich? No thanks. Mike Huckabee should just keep playing his Bass on that weekend show of his. Sarah Palin is better stirring the pot and would likely drive Democrat voters to the polls just to vote against her.

Conservatives are looking around en masse and wondering who in the world is going to rise to the top? Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) would be excellent but has expressed strong reticence. Rep. Allen West (R-FL) would be as well but unfortunately, decades of leadership experience in the Military doesn't translate to the corrupting experience in Washington, D.C.

Enter Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). In the wake of his overt rejection of another Continuring Resolution designed to kick the budget can down the road again, the Tea Party is taking notice.

Sen. Marco Rubio is done with the quiet freshman act.

With a landmark spending debate engulfing Washington, the Florida Republican has, virtually overnight, launched the national profile the conservative movement has been clamoring for.

During his first national interview Monday, Rubio pounced on President Barack Obama — from the friendly confines of Laura Ingraham’s conservative radio show. He blasted a statement to the media, pledging to vote against the Republicans’ short-term spending resolution and calling it a “nickle-and-dime” approach. And he’s vowed to vote against everything that comes through the Senate unless it deals with addressing the $14 trillion debt crisis.

Rubio has even given up an apparent Twitter moratorium, tweeting this week for the first time since his victory last November.
In the House, only 22 of the nearly 100 freshmen Republicans voted against the Continuing Resolution. As shockingly small as that number is, those 22 members are the ones who understand why they were sent to Washington. The balance, including Kristi Noem (R-SD), already seems to have been compromised. The argument that the next president needs more experience than someone like Rubio, West, or any of the other 22 freshmen is misguided. The type of experience that is supposedly needed is exactly the kind that is giving us establishment candidates.

The Tea Party doesn't want them.

Besides, by 2012, Rubio will have had experience as Speaker of the Florida State House and two years as a U.S. Senator.

We're on the eve of an election where experience inside the Beltway will be a liability.

Read it all.

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