Tuesday, April 19, 2011

AFL-CIO Union Backing Cop Killer

Mumia Abu-Jamal is on death row for the murder of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Abu-Jamal is also revered by Bill Ayers and Van Jones. The former had a photos of the cop killer plastered to his office door and the latter produced a record album that featured Abu-Jamal. Now, the American Federation of Teachers Union (AFT) in California has expressed support for the death row inmate. AFT rolls up under the AFL-CIO but another union - the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - is disgusted with the AFT and is confronting them.

FOP President Chuck Canterbury has written a scathing letter to AFT. Here is that letter via Big Government:


After reading this, I began thinking about how many of the cops in Wisconsin sided with the protesters. The police and protesters shared a common bond; each belonged to a public sector union. However, this story would seem to indicate the potential for an equally divisive issue. The vast majority of union supporters are planted firmly in the leftwing ideology. A significant percentage of leftists support Mumia Abu-Jamal's release.

This could be both a microcosm and a precursor to much larger problems in the world of the left and unions.

Here is the record album Van Jones's Ella Baker center produced. It is narrated by Abu-Jamal and Van Jones even appears on it.

Read it all.

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