Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Iran Hit with a Second Computer Virus - Stars

Back in July, it was learned that an extremely destructive virus, named Stuxnet, penetrated the computers that manage Iran's nuclear program. It set the program back significantly. Now it's learned that a second virus has attacked Iran. This one is named Stars and either the Iranians appear perplexed at its intent. As Stuxnet may still be inflicting serious damage to Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor, Stars may just be at the beginning of what it's intended to do. Stuxnet is thought to have set Iran's push for nukes back significantly.

Via Jerusalem Post:
Iran has been targeted by a second computer virus in a "cyber war" waged by its enemies, its commander of civil defense said on Monday.

Gholamreza Jalali told the semi-official Mehr news agency that the new virus, called "Stars", was being investigated by experts. Last year, Iran revealed that its computers were attacked by the Stuxnet worm, which attack the Bushehr nuclear reactor.

"Fortunately, our young experts have been able to discover this virus and the Stars virus is now in the laboratory for more investigations," Jalali was quoted as saying. He did not specify the target of Stars or its intended impact.

"The particular characteristics of the Stars virus have been discovered," Jalali said. "The virus is congruous and harmonious with the [computer] system and in the initial phase it does minor damage and might be mistaken for some executive files of government organizations."
For obvious reasons, Iran is going to downplay the effectiveness of both Stuxnet and Stars. It sounds like the latter has them a bit flummoxed, which would play right into the hands of whoever is responsible. Can't you picture Ahmadinejad cussing right now?

h/t Yid with Lid

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