Saturday, April 23, 2011

John McCain: Beheaders are 'My Heroes'

If there is not greater proof that John McCain would have been a disaster as President of the United States, I don't know where it can be found. Not long after he arrived in Benghazi, Libya to meet with opposition (rebel) leaders, an al-Jazeera reporter asked him if he was concerned about the makeup of the rebel forces. After appearing taken aback by such a question, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee responded that the rebels are 'my heroes.' Lost on McCain is apparently the fact that those forces are made up of a significant contingent of al-Qaeda.

Want proof? As McCain was singing the praises of the rebel forces, a video was going viral on the internet. That video showed rebel forces beheading a captured Libyan soldier. Making that even more relevant is McCain's history as a POW. Here is video of McCain's shameful words. Fast forward to the 1:35 mark.

CBS News also reported on McCain's visit / ill-advised words:
The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee spoke in Benghazi, a city that has been the opposition capital in the rebel-held eastern Libya.

McCain said he was in Benghazi "to get an on-the-ground assessment of the situation" and to meet with opposition leaders and members of the rebel military.

"They are my heroes," McCain said of the rebels as he walked out of a local hotel in Benghazi.

He also said today the rebel Transitional National Council deserves recognition as the legitimate voice of the Libyan people.

Reporting from Benghazi, Libya, CBS News correspondent Allen Pizzey said the arrival of McCain is exactly the kind of VIP trip the Transitional National Council has been looking for.

McCain told Pizzey that what he really thinks should happen is that $30 billion in assets that are already frozen that belong to Libya, should be released to the Transitional National Council so that they can get this part of the country working.
For what it's worth, that $30 Billion should go toward paying off our debt before it goes to funding al-Qaeda inspired rebel fighters McCain thinks are 'heroes.'

This despicable gaffe on the part of McCain actually trumps what he said on the 2008 campaign trail and I didn't think that was possible:

h/t Weasel Zippers

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