Sunday, April 3, 2011

Qur'an Burning Pastor may put Muhammad on Trial Next

Florida pastor Terry Jones was pressured into not carrying through with his pledge last September 11th to burn a pile of Qur'ans. Ever since, he's been relegated to virtual obscurity. Then, two weeks ago, he donned a black judge's robe and put the Qur'an on trial; the book was found 'guilty' and sentenced to burning. That act in Florida is being blamed for a slew of murders in Afghanistan. Jones is not only maintaining he is not responsible, he is now threatening to put Islam's prophet on trial.

Via The Telegraph:
"It is definitely a consideration to stage a trial on the life of Mohammed in the future," he said in interview on Saturday.

Such an inflammatory move would almost certainly trigger further violent protests in the Muslim world. But Mr Jones struck an unapologetic stance, insisting that his actions bore no responsibility for the murders in Mazar-i-Sharif.

The pastor had first threatened to burn a pile of Korans on last year's ninth anniversary of the Sept 11 terror atrocities.
The article also quotes Jones thusly:
"We find it very tragic any time that someone is murdered but we do not feel any responsibility for that. It definitely does indicate that there is a very radical element of Islam," he said.

"We'd like to see the President of the United States not only condemn these actions but to call on the UN for these people and Muslim-dominated countries to be held accountable."
Using the logic of those who want to hold Jones accountable for murder, shouldn't Hamid Karzai be held accountable as well? Until Karzai gave a speech in which he denounced Jones's actions, the incident had gone practically unnoticed.

Via New York Times:
Both Afghan and international news media had initially played down or ignored the actions of Mr. Jones, the Florida pastor. On Thursday, however, President Karzai made a speech and issued statements condemning the Koran burning and calling for the arrest of Mr. Jones for his actions. On Friday, that theme was picked up in mosques throughout Afghanistan.

“Karzai brought this issue back to life, and he has to take some responsibility for starting this up,” said a prominent Afghan businessman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution if he was identified as a critic of the president.

“Karzai’s speech itself provoked people to take such actions,” said Qayum Baabak, a political analyst in Mazar-i-Sharif. “Karzai should have called on people to be patient rather than making people more angry.”
Go HERE for more on Terry Jones.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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