Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) Disrespects Disabled 27-year Veteran at Town Hall

The issue in this exchange between a disabled Army veteran of 27 years is moot at this point since the government shutdown was avoided but how that veteran was treated by a U.S. Representative was utterly disgraceful. As the government shutdown loomed, this audience member began his question by giving Moran the background of his service so Moran's treatment of him cannot be excused based on him not knowing. The veteran wanted answers from Moran regarding the prospect that troops fighting overseas would not be paid in a shutdown. He certainly expressed concern but was polite.

Moran began by thanking him for his service and then proceeded to call the man's questions 'caustic.' When the veteran objected to that, Moran lost his composure and showed an unacceptable level of disrespect to someone who put his life on the line for Moran's ability to participate in the dysfunctional government he's helped to make worse.

Moran has a history of losing his cool as this video courtesy of Jason Mattera demonstrates. Moran should be prescribed some valium and ordered to take anger management classes.

h/t Jawa

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