Friday, April 22, 2011

Video: Col. Allen West Explains why Obama a 'Low Level Socialist Agitator'

This is the guy - not Donald Trump - who should be skyrocketing in the polls. Trump has given any presidential hopeful the roadmap for defeating Obama; going on offense and fighting. So far, the reason there is no real frontrunner for the Republican nomination is because no one has really chosen that path, Rep. Col. Allen West. Among the things he has called Obama is a 'low level socialist agitator' who exhibits 'third world dictator-like arrogance.' West was on Greta to explain or back away from those comments. He dug in while choosing to do the former.

Some may say that Lt. Col. West doesn't have the experience to be president; he just got elected to congress for the first time this past November. That position requires an arrogance that diminishes military experience, of which he has plenty. One of the titles the president carries is Commander in Chief. West is far more experienced in that regard than is Obama.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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