Thursday, April 14, 2011

Video: Democrat Congresswoman Shows She Doesn't know where Money comes from

Forget for a moment that Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) is one of the most corrupt politicians in office and won in a landslide anyway. She doesn't understand where money comes from and doesn't understand what 'broke' means, despite Fox's Neil Cavuto repeating it to her over and over and over. There is absolutely no way a woman this devoid of knowledge about economics should ever come close to a government job. As with every Democrat, her answer is to 'tax the rich.' Lost on her are the consequences of such an action at this stage of the game.

The good news is that the Democrats' ability to continue soaking the American people is drying up and their absurd ideas and policies are being exposed for all to see. This video is a must-watch. Johnson continues rambling on about the need to invest in social programs despite Cavuto smacking that strategy over the head with a tire iron by saying there's no money to invest.

The line of the exchange comes toward the end when Johnson asks Cavuto if he wants children 'to run around with no shoes, no clothes, and eatin' off the ground?' The ultimate irony is when a woman who has no idea where money comes from calls for 'common sense' multiple times.

After you digest that insanity, here is a video report from CNN's Anderson Cooper on Johnson's scholarship scandal which, by the way, broke just before the November elections. As I said, she won that election going away. Eddie Bernice Johnson is a microcosm of why this country is $14 Trillion in debt.

h/t The Blaze

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