Saturday, April 16, 2011

Video: EPA Official Stammers for Five Minutes over Simple Question

Just in case you had any interest in understanding why government bureaucrats and agencies are so thoroughly and utterly incompetent, this should clear it up for you. The bureaucrats live in a theoretical world that leaves out the most important variables necessary for that world to mirror reality. In this case, Colorado GOP Rep. Cory Gardner (R) was trying to get EPA Deputy Administrator Mathy Stanislaus to tell him if the EPA factored in jobs before it decided to implement its crippling regulations. Stanislaus's incoherent responses included an inherent admission that the livelihood of those who have to deal with those regulations had no impact whatsoever on the decision to enforce them.

Wow. After watching this, I think I'm as speechless as Stanislaus was. Gardner was actually so incredulous that he invoked the name Yogi Berra.

Via The Daily Caller:

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