Saturday, April 16, 2011

Video: Farrakhan's Back; Money Quotes too Numerous for Headline

This is definitely one of those, 'Where do you even begin' posts. In Farrakhan's latest rant - at Howard University on April 2nd - he reveals he's a 9/11 Truther; he calls Barack Obama a 'Ni***r;' he says Donald Trump is a 'thug;' the Jews control congress; and he defends the Tea Party. In fact, his defense of the Tea Party is so beyond belief that it wouldn't surprise me if his handlers originally had this speech scheduled for April 1st and had to move it because there'd be people in the audience who wouldn't take him seriously on that day.

Wait for the part where he calls Trump a thief because he took Gadhafi's money and gave it to charity. Using Farrakhan's own standard, the U.S. Government is committing theft by taxing its citizens for things they don't want their money going to.

**Content Warning**

Via The Blaze:

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