Monday, April 18, 2011

Video: NYPD Arrests Man for Talking on Sidewalk

Believe it or not, the headline of this post is not misleading. This arrest is literally more absurd than arresting someone for dropping a biodegradable peanut shell in a field of grass. The video starts out with the NYPD issuing a citation to a man who was caught riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. Another man walks by the scene and jokes with the cyclist, saying that he's an adult and should know better than to ride his bike on the sidewalk - an obvious jibe directed at the cops through the cyclist. Clearly, the man was mocking the law but I don't think that's grounds for an arrest.

The NYPD thought differently. Via Hot Air:

EMBED-NYPD Arrests Guy For Cracking A Joke - Watch more free videos

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