Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Video: Out of Work Air America Talk Show Host Heckles Rep. Allen West

The good news is that the more the left's dander is raised by Allen West, the more exposure he will get. The more exposure he gets, the more people will see that he could be the right man at the right time to lead this nation beginning in 2012. He's got the courage to fight like Donald Trump but he's also got the combat experience and the conservative bonafides Trump does not have. When West finally does become a household name, look out. He's well on his way, too, with moments like this.

Former Air America talk show host Nicole Sandler began heckling West at a Town Hall and was escorted outside. Then, she got belligerent and ended up in handcuffs. As she was being arrested, she was boasting about the entire thing being caught on video. Unbeknownst to her, the video makes her look like she deserved to be arrested. Getting in a cop's face and yelling at him tends to do that. A look at the video shows the cop acted with composure and was preventing the situation from escalating. Sandler had every opportunity to avoid the cuffs but pushed the envelope until she got there.

Amidst all that, it's obvious that West is unshakeable.

h/t The Blaze

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